Email: Office: 0116 239 6610 Mobile: 07968 840 826
Our Services
What We Do
If you need to remove a tree because it is causing you problems (maybe it’s just too big for a Crown Reduction, or it’s dying or diseased), we can remove it using our various safe and well-controlled felling techniques. We are always sorry to have to fell a tree but sometimes it is unavoidable and you can be sure we will explore every other available tree care option with you before we commit to this.

If a tree is to be felled but there are buildings or other obstructions in the way, we can call upon our expertise in Dismantling. This aspect of tree surgery will involve the use of specialist climbing equipment, to gain access to the crown of the tree and lowering equipment to lower the cut portions safely to the ground. If a tree is unstable or unsafe to climb, we can arrange the use of a MEWP (Mechanical Elevated Working Platform) to enable us to remove the tree more safely and efficiently. Safety is always our main concern and we will never work in a way that endangers you, your property or ourselves.
Stump Grinding
Once a tree has been felled and the majority of the remains removed, you may decide that the stump also needs to go (especially if you want to plant a new tree on the same spot), so we offer a Stump Grinding service. We are fully equipped with the expertise and the specialist machinery to complete this task safely and efficiently.

Crown Lifting
If the lower branches of a tree are blocking out your sunlight or obstructing your paths and impeding you while mowing, don’t have the tree cut down; we can carry out Crown Lifting. This procedure involves carefully removing selected lower branches to ‘lift’ the tree crown to the ideal height (which we will agree with you beforehand), while still maintaining the tree’s overall shape. Crown Lifting means you can enjoy having mature trees in your garden without losing light and improving accessibility.
Crown Clean Out
This procedure involves selective removal of dead, diseased, dying and crossing branches (which can rub together in the wind and wear away causing a weak point), to literally clear out the crown of your tree and reduce the risk of disease and decay affecting the crown. This tree care process can not only prolong the life of your tree, it can help to avoid the danger of dead branches falling out of the crown and causing a hazard to people or buildings below.

Crown Reduction
If a tree is too big for your garden or is exhibiting crown die-back (a decline in the overall tree canopy as a result of age, various diseases or climatic conditions) or if you would just like a reduction in leaf foliage, we can carry out a Crown Reduction for you. This procedure will reduce the crown height and width to a size (agreed with you beforehand) to suit the available space, while maintaining the health and well-being of the tree.
Pollarding is a tree care method which helps to contain the size of the tree, by dramatically cutting back the major limbs to keep the tree at a suitable height and is usually done on street trees. Pollarded trees usually need to be pollarded again every four to five years but it is also recommended that the epicormic growth is removed annually. Epicormic growth is often seen at the base of a tree, on tree branches and on the main stem and can be stimulated by the pollarding process.

Tom Wright the founder of Wright Tree Care whilst working for Leicester City Council as a team leader was responsible for the planting of some big projects within Leicester City. These include the new Victoria park car park, New Market Square, Jubilee Square and Saint George's roundabout to name just a few.
We offer a tree planting and advice service, helping you to ensure you put the right species of tree in the right place – all enquiries are welcome.
Let us look after your hedges – we can simply trim them, reduce them in height or remove them completely. We also offer a hedge laying and planting service.

Tree Surveys, Applications and Inspections
We can carry out Tree Condition Surveys on multiple or individual trees, with the objective of assessing and recording the overall safety and condition of the tree(s), we will give advice on any tree work that may be needed. We can also give advice on whether a tree is likely to cause Subsidence to surrounding properties.
Work undertaken on any tree which is protected by a Preservation Order requires special permission and we can look after all aspects of tree Preservation Orders for you. We can create applications for permission to perform tree work and we can also apply for a Preservation Order on your behalf.
Our activities produce large quantities of this organic mulch, which can be useful in your garden in so many ways; use it for mulching your borders, covering your paths, or weed control. Our wood-chip is available on request.

Ready-to-burn dry split firewood is available. If you require any information regarding any of our services or if there is any way you think we may be able to help, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly and professional staff using the details provided on our contact page.